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Suzanne Roske

Suzanne has extensive experience working with Fortune 500 companies, guiding leadership teams and individuals through business transitions and transformations.

As a former PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting) partner, she has led experiential learning sessions for teams of 10 to 500 and launched a new client experience impacting 55,000 employees.

Suzanne is a certified coach through the Hudson Coaching Institute, holds a bachelor’s in accounting from Syracuse University, is a Certified Public Accountant, and has certifications in human-centered design and design thinking from Johns Hopkins University and IDEO.

The Team

  • Brad Stadler co-CEO & Founder, True and president, true search Philadelphia (HQ)
  • Joe Riggione co-CEO & Founder, True and president, true technologies Philadelphia (HQ)
  • Josh Withers Founder & GM, Platform and North America Search Operations San Francisco
  • Kate Vanek Global Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer London
  • Sam McGrath GM, EMEA & APAC London
  • Lucinda Duncalfe EVP, True Technologies & GM, Thrive, AboveBoard & Jopwell New York

The Future of Executive Talent